Success Stories

Susan– “I never thought I would be running a 5k much less a Marathon, but I did. Carley is very knowledgeable and thorough with her training. She explains why you need to complete weekly long runs and why strength training is so important. The training helped me finish a marathon that we did together!”

Tom – NYC Marathon 2021: “Carley encouraged me to run my 1st half marathon, and now I’ve done 3. She then challenged me to run a full marathon. I never imagined I’d be able to do that, but she provided me with a training plan that included stretching and nutrition. I also decided I’d be more motivated to run for a charity, which I did. I completed the New York City Marathon in 4:39 at age 60. I couldn’t have done it without Carley.”

Tim– “In my training with Carley I lost close to 50 lbs and 15% body fat. Because of Carley’s encouragement and training, I completed 2 Tough Mudders, 3 Half Marathons and countless 5k races. She did more than help me run and lift weights; she taught me proper technique and stretching to minimize injuries, plus helped with nutrition, knowing the right food at the right time to get the most out of your body. She listened to my goals, put a plan together and put me to work. I couldn’t have done it on my own.”

Kathy– “Nothing changes if nothing changes. Such was an oft-repeated phrase by Carley. I was in pretty bad shape: overweight, pain in my neck, back and knees. She sent me to Physical Therapy and then she worked with the PT to make further progress. While training, she never let me become stagnant. She helped me navigate the challenges of Covid. Carley had a sixth sense of when I needed a call or text. Now I am able to hike mountain trails in Colorado, trails I thought I’d never again be able to complete.”

Pete– “Carley helped me lose 25 lbs in a 12 week period that included the holidays, to get ready for my son’s wedding. She gave me the confidence to step out of my comfort level to increase the intensity of my workouts to stay on track towards my target weight. Every session was full of challenges and laughter.”

Umesh– “I had never done a 5k or 10k, but her conviction that I could do so in my 60s was very uplifting. I did the 5k by myself, then she suggested the 10k as well. As she saw my hesitation, she said she would run with me. So we ran the race together and I completed it, feeling good about my accomplishment. Her constant motivation throughout helped me finish. I enjoyed training with her.”